
Saturday 13 October 2012

curry 'n' mint

I've seen this plants a few times before kat a few other nurseries but tak pernah terberani nak beli sebab lagi lah lain giler banding dengan pokok kari yang kat Malaysia tu. And the smell pun lain lah dengan daun kari yang I grew up with kat Malaysia. Nak tau bau dia macam mana? Daun ni takde bau unless you crushed the leaves or rubbed against the leaves. Bau dia sebijik macam bau indian kari yang dah siap masak, basically a mixture of bau cumin, coriander, fennel, bawang, garlic, halia and rempah lain. That's the only way I know how to describe it. Masa I crushed it against my fingers, bila I cium memang macam bau my fingers lepas makan nasi and kari lah........ terus aje jadi lapar u, wehkehkehkeh..... It says on the information card, kata the leaves are edible and boleh dimasak so I guess I'll try it one day hey. Kalau after that, I berhenti blogging for a few days, you tau lah kenapa, hehehehe ;-).

So, what do you think of this 'curry plant'? Pelik kan rupa dia. Nampak macam rosemary leaves sikit kan but the smell memang tak macam rosemary.

And this one we bought because it looks and smells so delicious. We already had a few mint plants growing tapi bila tengok yang ni terpikat terus pulaknya and lain sikit rupanya dari the common mint. Not that we use that much mint in our cooking but I guess lepas ni bolehlah I put it in my hot choc or in my choc cake ye :-). Pastu kalau sedap sangat2 my choc cake because of the mint, bolehlah I bukak bisnes kek kat sini, hahahaha.......

Nama aje chocolate mint but believe me, it doesn't taste like chocolate, hehehe ;-).

Ini rupa common mint, lain sikit kan dengan the chocolate mint tu :-)

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