
Thursday 27 February 2014

Still missing you


There is no feeling like the love a mother has for her child. The bond formed even before the child is born, 9 months of special connection between mother and child; None like it really, none comes close. From the tender, sweet sounding cries of the baby, the first peek at this beautiful world, the child sees the mother.

Mother and child do not wed, yet the ‘for richer, for poorer, sickness and health, good times and bad times’ wedding vows are followed through between mother and child as though the mother’s very own life depends on it.

Even though I barely have any vivid memory of you, even though I can barely remember calling you ‘Mummy’, even though I was too young to share in your pains, I love you with my life.
I do not know if you can love someone you didn’t even know, but I do love you, more than my heart can hold. I seldom look at my siblings and I’m in awe of what a wonder woman you are. You lived a short life, but what you achieved in that short while, some people aren’t able to achieve even if they’re given a thousand decades.

Who does that? Even with the battle of cancer and loosing your husband early, You raised 2 magnificent young women and a hard working young man and others put in your care in that short while.


Some may say you lived a sad and short life; I object. It might have been short but far from sad. I’m sure each day with the clock ticking, moving you closer to the grave, deep inside you, your soul danced for joy at the legacy you left behind.

I wish you were here to see what your angels (and would I dare say mine too) have done to the one you were not able to share your life with. Life happened; Oh yes but I’m sure with every passing day you’re brave in the grave.

Words cannot describe how much I love and miss you.

I dedicate this to my mummy and all others who didn’t live long enough to share their life with all their children.

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